Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I see you working but what is being done.

"operation total exposure" was the name given to this manipulation ring bust in Houston, Texas. Five men and one woman are being accused of holding sixteen seventeen year old children captive. Kidnapping them from other states to bring them back to Houston, Texas where they beat them and forced then into prostitution. From one of my sources; Houston Chronicle "Child Prostitution ring Busted" by Mary Flood. I read this case has been building since 2004. Since 2004 the FBI and HPD has only rescued 100 victims. Since 2004 the officials have found out the businesses where these "pimps" have been prostituting these children; Taboo Modeling Studio North off North Freeway, Total Pleasures off Gulf Freeway, and Paris of Katy in Katy, Texas. The other source I used to get further information was : "Big Prostituting Ring Busted" Chris Vogel in Courts, Crime. I feel as if though they have been knowing about this since 2004 how come these enterprises had not been closed down earlier? How come only 100 young children have been rescued from this subjugation? I understand that building a case and gaining enough information to prosecute the defendants takes time and strategy. However, these are young children we are talking about.


  1. What would you have the police do? Rush in and grab everyone and hope that they grabbed the people involved. I cannot imagine the pain that the parents of these children must feel to have their child kidnapped; and moreover the pain they must feel to know that their child was forced into prostitution. I know that if I were a parent I would probably have to go down there myself and open up a can on those people...BUT, the more rational question is what happens if the police only end up busting a few people and the crime spree just moves across the border or down the road? Also, there is probably a good deal of money floating around in this underworld, enough money to pay off a pretty good (though scummy) lawyer, one that could get the bad guys off on some lesser charge. So I guess as a concerned citizen, I have to think that I would want the police to build a good case and not let the bad guys slip through the cracks, and hopefully aleviate the future suffering of other girls, rather than act rashly and jump the gun on an ill-conceived prosection.

  2. Whenever I heard about this incident happening and finally getting exposed to catching the criminals, I was totally shocked. I had no idea that things of this nature was happening in the United States, much less Houston, Texas. I truly agree that if they have known about it since 2004, they should have started rushing the issue to get to the bottom of the accomplices faster. Look at all the young women that were injured and abused while all of this was going on. I could not even fathom what it must have been like getting kidnapped from your home, put in a place that you are not familiar with, and then forced into prosititution.

  3. i agree that what is happening is very tragic and it is very sad that children are having to go through such terrible experiences, but it wouldnt be adequate for the police to just barge into the location they think is where the crime is being committed. if they were to actually do that and it were only a place used for their foul play, then the main people behind the plot would get an obvious heads up that the police is on to them. and they would then move their "work" to another location. this would make it harder for the police to make a clean bust, meaning take everyone out. then even more children would suffer and for a longer period of time, because they will just keep moving from place to place and luring more children in.
