Sunday, September 27, 2009

Drugs and prostitution

Both of the subjects, child prostituting and drug dealing, are actual events that affect our everyday lives. They can affect our lives in ways we might not realize. In addition to both subjects being a plague on society, these occurrences also destroy lives of innocent people. They are both illegal, and they are against any morals. Both drugs and child prostitution not only affect the bystanders who may not be part taking in them; but also they affect the ones who are.
When drug dealers except money for drug users, or when pimps force girls into prostitution, our pockets get slimmer while theirs is getting fatter. For instance, while the rest of us tax payers have money taken out of our hard earned paychecks, they do not. The men and woman who pay for sex sometimes contribute to child prostituting. Child prostituting is not only perverse and immoral, but extremely illegal. So when people partake in this crime there are laws being broke. This is similar to when drug dealers are caught dealing or when the drug buyer is caught buying. A part of our tax payer money goes to county jails and state prison facilities where the criminals go to serve their time. We are the ones paying for their jails and prisons yet we are not the ones who are going. If we could spend less money on these evil behaviors we would be able to contribute our hard earned money elsewhere. If we all made money the legal way, we could put more tax money to child education instead of child demolition. We could put it towards cleaning our environment instead of polluting it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely in all your points. Child prostitution is just ridiculous. It most definately breaks more than one law. A nineteen year old can get in alot of trouble for having sexual intercourse with a sixteen year old. Which is jut a three year difference. To think that most men who pay for sex are more likely old and ugly and disgusting and extremely perverted is sick. Only worse then, to think that the girls they could be paying are underage girls who were forced into the whole business. Some who were dont even get a large share of "profits they earn." Prostitution for any young girl could be very severe in mental health and physical. These girls have chances of catching diseases or being traumatized. Some may not ever be able to even shake hands with a man because of what they could have been forced to do during their prostitution. I also agree with your other blog about the Houston bust. Seventeen year old prostitutes is just sad to say. Some girls havent even lost their virginity at that age, while some are being forced to perform different types of sex positions and more than likely even oral sex.
    This issue is huge and police and FBI need to take a huge step to stop it.
