Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Alternative Solution

America is said to be the country moist vulnerable to sex trafficking do to the high demand in the sex industry. Many Americans do not know this. Other than keeping the sexual predators in jail along with the sexual exploiters, another possible solution could be to raise the awareness. Part of the reason this crime has flourished over the years is due to the lack of knowledge about it. Many people I have talked with either do not know it is a real issue or do not know it happens here in America. They see it as someone else’s problem. This is the same attitude we had about AIDS, and it is now a major issue world-wide. I find it disturbing that we do not educate the members of our society about human trafficking and that we do not make our children aware of the problem. Human trafficking is real and could be happening in your back yard. Raising the awareness of this type of crime would inform others that human trafficking is going on. Your child, sister, brother, dad, or mother could be involved. If more people knew about this the more of us would work together to try and stop it.

Stop Human Trafficking

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Drugs and prostitution

Both of the subjects, child prostituting and drug dealing, are actual events that affect our everyday lives. They can affect our lives in ways we might not realize. In addition to both subjects being a plague on society, these occurrences also destroy lives of innocent people. They are both illegal, and they are against any morals. Both drugs and child prostitution not only affect the bystanders who may not be part taking in them; but also they affect the ones who are.
When drug dealers except money for drug users, or when pimps force girls into prostitution, our pockets get slimmer while theirs is getting fatter. For instance, while the rest of us tax payers have money taken out of our hard earned paychecks, they do not. The men and woman who pay for sex sometimes contribute to child prostituting. Child prostituting is not only perverse and immoral, but extremely illegal. So when people partake in this crime there are laws being broke. This is similar to when drug dealers are caught dealing or when the drug buyer is caught buying. A part of our tax payer money goes to county jails and state prison facilities where the criminals go to serve their time. We are the ones paying for their jails and prisons yet we are not the ones who are going. If we could spend less money on these evil behaviors we would be able to contribute our hard earned money elsewhere. If we all made money the legal way, we could put more tax money to child education instead of child demolition. We could put it towards cleaning our environment instead of polluting it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The end of the world!

The end of the world...
I feel like they are talking about it too much. If the world is going to end; then let it be what it is. I have seen an episode on the history channel where theologists "de-coded" the bible. I do not believe god ever intended for the bible to be de-coded. If even there is anything to really de-code. The bible was made for us to read and follow. Instructions on how to live a good life. Now what different people interpret from the bible is up to them. I am a strong believer in if you are looking and really want something to be there, it will be. If I were to gather different pieces from a mix of puzzles I could find pieces that would connect. What the effect of that would be is, I would have pieces that would connect but no picture to be visible. Now some believe that when we hear that the end of the world is coming, it could mean the end of the world as we know it. I try not to think about it. The reason of this is because I do not think anyone knows.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I see you working but what is being done.

"operation total exposure" was the name given to this manipulation ring bust in Houston, Texas. Five men and one woman are being accused of holding sixteen seventeen year old children captive. Kidnapping them from other states to bring them back to Houston, Texas where they beat them and forced then into prostitution. From one of my sources; Houston Chronicle "Child Prostitution ring Busted" by Mary Flood. I read this case has been building since 2004. Since 2004 the FBI and HPD has only rescued 100 victims. Since 2004 the officials have found out the businesses where these "pimps" have been prostituting these children; Taboo Modeling Studio North off North Freeway, Total Pleasures off Gulf Freeway, and Paris of Katy in Katy, Texas. The other source I used to get further information was : "Big Prostituting Ring Busted" Chris Vogel in Courts, Crime. I feel as if though they have been knowing about this since 2004 how come these enterprises had not been closed down earlier? How come only 100 young children have been rescued from this subjugation? I understand that building a case and gaining enough information to prosecute the defendants takes time and strategy. However, these are young children we are talking about.